Monday, November 3, 2008

Aqua Chi: Detox Cleansing

Aqua Chi: Detox Cleansing

The Aqua-Chi Ionic Foot Bath combines the life-giving properties of water with a specialized bio-electric charge, which enhances and amplifies the body's ability to heal. Dramatically increase energy levels and help detoxify your body with the Aqua Chi foot bath.

Demonstration and Workshop with Presenter: Walter Poe
Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Time: 6:00pm -7:00 pm

Location: Second floor lounge of Edge of The Woods Natural Market
379 Whalley Ave New Haven, CT
For More Information Call the Community Wellness Educator at (203)-624-9999

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What happens when our home fails to protect us?

Aranizer: Air Purification System

Our homes are made to protect us from our environment. What happens when our home fails to protect us?

Did you know!
· Indoor air pollution can be as much as 10 to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air.
· Most Filters will not remove all the particles from the air, not even a High-Efficiency Particulate Air filter (HEPA).

You may already know that indoor air pollution is a major problem and can cause a wide range of health problems and you may already know that you want to improve the healthiness of the air in your home and work environment.

Come see the most advanced air purification system at work. The Aranizer™ air purifier is by far the most advanced and effective technology available today for air purification, pollution control and removal.

Demonstration and Workshop with Presenter: Walter Poe
Date: Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Time: 6:00pm -7:00 pm

Indoor Air Purification

Indoor Air Purification

Our homes are made to protect us from our environment. What happens when our home fails to protect us? Indoor air pollution can be as much as 10 to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air. It can cause a wide range of health problems.
Mold, mildew, fungi, bacteria, viruses, microorganisms, chemical fumes, organic odors, dust pollen and other floating particles are problems in many households.How can we remove these problems from our homes and kill the mold, mildew, fungi, bacteria, viruses and microorganisms before they can affect us?

Most people think that if they filter the air that they are removing the problem. Filters will not remove all the particlesfrom the air, not even a High-Efficiency Particulate Air filter (HEPA) will do this. HEPA filters will remove particles down to 3 microns or larger. That means that dust particles smaller than that will just pass through it. Filters can also become breeding grounds for mold and bacteria. A filter collects, it does not KILL!

For a filter to work, the air must pass through it. If the air has to pass by you before it goes through the filter, what good was the filter? You still breathed in the particles. If a filter collects mold spores, it does not get rid of the problem. The mold that created the spores is still living and generating mold spores. A filter cannot go to the source and stop it. Ultraviolet lights (UV) are claimed to kill 99.9% of all organisms. In fact, they only kill what passes by the light, and not all UV kills 99.9% of all organisms.

Some UV lights are made to produce Ozone. The amount of Ozone produced is in such small quantities, .01 ppm. (parts per million), and will not have any major effect on indoor air quality. UV lights also have a few problems. Certain UV light has the ability to burn the Retina of the eyes when you look directly at it. UV lights burn out or quit creating frequency of UV that produces Ozone after 10 to 12 months and have to be replaced. Now you know why UV systems only offer a 1 - year warranty on their units. This is always a yearly expense.Most Ozone producing equipment creats, as a by-product, Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx). Oxides of Nitrogen creats Nitrous and Nitric Acids when they combine with water vapor or moisture. Nitric Acid is used to etch metals. In the upper atmosphere, when it combines with water vapor, it comes down as Acid Rain. If you breath NOx, it can combine with the moisture in your nose, throat and lungs and create Nitrous and Nitric Acid there. This is toxic and can destroy healthy tissue. With the output of these machines, they cannot go to the source and stop it.

Negative Ion Generators (NG'S) can remove particles from the air. They broadcast a frequency that will give particles in the air a negative charge. Since the Earth has a positive charge it attracts negatively charged particles. This process will get the particles out of the air and drop them to surfaces. NG'S have a few problems. Typically NG'S will great a black spot on the wall directly behind the unit where particles from the air have attracted to it. This is difficult to clean. They do not kill mold, mildew, fungi, bacteria, viruses or microorganisms. It just drops them to the surfaces. An NG'S cannot go to the source and stop it.

Collection Plates (CP'S) can remove particles from the air. As air passes by the collection plates, the positively charged particles are attracted to the negative collection plate. The Ionic Breeze by Sharper Image uses this method. They advertise silent operation by using the air currents to pass air through their machines. This method has many serious problems. Since they are silten, that means no fan! The rate at which the CP'S remove particles from the air is slow, Consumer Reports October issue 2003 (page 27) tell their readers to avoid the Ionic Breeze. Just because a coffee table collects dust it does not make the coffee table an air cleaner. "There are much better choices." Particles are just collected on the plates. they will not kill mold, mildew, fungi, bacteria, viruses or microorganisms. Instead it can become a breeding ground for what you were trying to get rid of. The mold that created the spores that are collected is still living and generating mold spores. CP'S cannot go to the source and stop it.

Hot Corona Discharge can create Ozone. Ozone can be an effective way to purify the air when in sufficient quantities. Companies that use this method are restricted from creating the quantities needed to adequately and safely remove pollution problems. Te amount of Ozone produced is .01 ppm. (parts per million).This is due to the fact that this method inherently creates Oxides of Nitrogen as a by-product. This amount will not have any major effects on indoor air quality. As the level of Ozone production increases so does the production of Oxides of Nitrogen. To me, it doesn't make sense to exchange one type of pollutant for another potentially more dangerous one. There has to be a better method. Ecoquest, Alpine Air and Living Air, which are all divisions of Alpine, use this method.Most Ozone producing equipment creats, as a by-product, Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx). Oxides of Nitrogen creats Nitrous and Nitric Acids when they combine with water vapor or moisture. In the upper atmosphere, when it combines with water vapor, it comes down as Acid Rain. They use Nitric Acid is used to etch metals. If you breath NOx, it can combine with the moisture in your nose, throat and lungs and create Nitrous and Nitric Acid there. This is toxic and can destroy healthy tissue. With the output of these machines, they cannot go to the source and stop it.

The ARANIZER is quite a bit different from other technologies. We take the ambient air which is air in the atmosphere, and pass it over our patented Aran genterator. The Aran generator creates a high energy low heat plasma field where it bombards Oxygen molecules with electrons.This prcess selectively separtes the Oxygen molecules while leaving the Nitrogen molecules intact. Oxygen atoms have the natural ability to absorb more electrons than what they need. With this greater level of energy, the Oxygen atoms are able to recombine into higher allotropes of Oxygen like O4, O5, O6, O7, O8, O9, O10, Ox which we termed as Aran and is our Trademark for all molecules greater thean ozone. The extra energized Oxygen atoms are what give the Aran molecules its very high oxidative properties.How does Aran work outside of the machine? Let us say that an O10 molecule is created by our machine. When that O10 molecule encounters a pollutant, one of the O atoms is released to oxidize the pollutant. The O10 molecule drops down to an O9 molecule. The pollutant is oxidized, given a negative charge, from the extra electrons, and drops out of the air. If that O9 molecule encounters another pollutant the process repeats itself and drops to an O8 molecule. If that O8 molecule just so happens to bump into a normal O2 molecule, it can grab the O2 molecule and jump back up to an O10 molecule. This is known as the cascading effect. Mold, mildew, fungi, bacteria, viruses and microorganisms oxidized by the Aran molecule are killed, given a negative charge and removed from the air.A few advantages to our process are the fact that the Nitrogen molecule (N2), which makes up 72% of the atmosphere, remains intact. This is important because, if we do not separte the Nitrogen molecule we will not produce Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx). Oxides of Nitrogen creats Nitrous and Nitric Acids when they combine with water vapor or moisture. In the upper atmosphere, when it combines with water vapor, it comes down as Acid Rain. If you breath NOx, it can combine with the moisture in your nose, throat and lungs and create Nitrous and Nitric Acid there. This is toxic and can destroy healthy tissue.

Since Aran uses oxidation as a means to purify the air and destroy mold, mildew, fungi, bacteria, viruses and microorganisms, the only by-product other than the dead organisms is Oxygen. Oxidation is a chemical reaction where Oxygen is combining with another substance. In any chemical reaction, there are 2 things that can speed up the chemical reaction: heat and energy. The extra electrons give Aran the heat and energy needed to speed up the process of oxidation. This allows Aran to be able to oxidize substances that other technologies couldn't even touch.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

FREE REPORT: 12 Dirty Secrets of the Produce Aisles


The 12 Dirty Secrets of the Produce Aisle
· 12 Produce that you MUST buy Organic
· What fruit contains 90% of the pesticides they are sprayed with
· What Vegetable hold less than 3% pesticides even when they are NOT grown organically
· A List of 43 Fruits and Vegetables and how they rank in pesticide contamination
Sign Up for the e-list and Get it NOW!

June Community Wellness Workshops

June Community Wellness Workshops
Location: Second floor lounge of Edge of The Woods Natural Market
379 Whalley Ave New Haven, CT
For More Information Call the Community Wellness Educator at (203)-624-9999

Love, Medicine & Miracles: Lessons Learned about Self-Healing from a Surgeon's Experience with Exceptional Patients
Book Signing and Presentation
with Bernie Siegel MD

Dr Siegel has touched many lives all over our planet. In 1978 he began talking about patient empowerment and the choice to live fully and die in peace. As a physician, who has cared for and counseled innumerable people who’s mortality has been threatened by an illness, Bernie embraces a philosophy of living and dying that stands at the forefront of the medical ethics and spiritual issues our society grapples with today. He continues to assist in the breaking of new ground in the field of healing and personally struggling to live the message of kindness and love. Peace, Love & Healing and in 1993 How To Live Between Office Visits followed. We invite you to explore the journey of life through Dr. Siegel’s philosophy
Presenter: Bernie Siegel MD
Sunday June 22, 2008 5PM-6PM

The Life Cycle of Womanhood
PMS, Menopause & Hormone Replacement
w/Robin Ritterman ND

Come, share, discuss and explore the various challenges of womanhood
Join us as we explore alternative treatments for symptoms and problems which effect every woman. You will leave this discussion empowered with knowledge of your option for your body and your health.
Presenter: Robin Ritterman ND
June 29, 2008 5PM-6PM

Monday, January 14, 2008

Our Winter Workshop Calendar

Our Winter Workshop Calendar
Wednesday Evenings 7:PM-8:PM

Wednesday January 23, 2008
The Truth About Weight Loss
Eating Healthy but Still Can’t Lose Weight?
Are you eating whole grains, lean proteins, and lots of fruits and vegetables and still can’t seem to lose weight? Can your whole wheat bread can be causing your fat belly? Will switching to a vegetarian diet really help you lose 20lbs? Are there really a such thing as “fat burning’ foods. The truth about these and more will be reveled as we have a dialog with certified personal trainer and fitness counselor Mubarakah Ibrahim.

Wednesday February 6, 2008
Nurturing Generations
Pre-and postnatal Health
Herbs, homeopathy and natural healing everything is it safe during pregnancy? There is a New birthing center coming to New Haven...find out when and where. Can what you eat give your infant allergies? Discuss these and more with our panel of experts. Dr. Amanda Levitt, Mid-wives Janet Spinner and Vicki Marnin, and Rachael Light MD.

Wednesday February 20, 2008
Health Bodies from the Inside Out
Time for an Internal Spring cleaning
Can your colon be the source of your headaches? Really! A sluggish colon can manifest it self in a barrage of symptoms including joint and arthritis pain, fatigue, and even increase risk of colon cancer. But how do we know and what is the safest way to improve our body’s digestive highway? Colon hydro-therapist Mary Quino will discuss these and other subjects on colon health.

Wednesday March 5, 2008
Is the Grass is Greener on Your Own Side
Sustainable Agriculture
Does local resources really decrease our dependence on foreign oil? Is CT grown vegetables that better than those grown in sunny California? Can allergies be improved by eating locally? These and other questions are up for discussion with local farmers George Hendinger and Vincent Kay

Wednesday March 19, 2008
Is CT contributing to global warming?
Ozone layer, alternative fuel, animal extinction, global warming... what does little CT has to do with this global problem and its solutions? Are we apart or the solutions or part of the problem? An enlightening conversation for anyone who care about our planet. Come discuss how we as individuals and a community can make a difference in our global village with Environmentalist Brandy Love.